When uploading photo's to the gallery, how can I turn the photo the correct way round if they upload upside down?

  • anon

    Hello David, you'll need to rotate and save the image to your computer before uploading it to the gallery. I'll unpublish the one that's there at the moment as I can see it's not the right way up.

    Best wishes,

    Oct 03, 2019
  • anon

    Hi, the upload page allows you to upload several photos at once, but when I go to the gallery and click on the 'folder' it only shows one photo per album.

    Is there any way to be able to see all of the photos?

    Oct 07, 2019
  • anon

    Hi Stephen, I'm afraid it's only possible to load one photo at a time.

    Best wishes,

    Oct 21, 2019
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