
A recently saw a photo of ZA947 during its time as 'YS-H' and noticed that it had a badge on a white circle on the starboard side of its nose. I seem to remember that when I first saw the Dakota in this scheme it just had the white circle and I assume that the badge must have been added later. Please could you tell me what this badge and when ZA947 received it and why.

Many thanks.

  • anon

    Hi Mike, We'll look into this and see if we can find an answer for you. Interesting question!

    Amy - RAF Memorial Flight Club

    Jul 01, 2016
  • anon

    Hi Mike, I have an answer for you! It's from retired Sqn Ldr Stu Reid, who flew the Dakota (and the Lancaster) with the BBMF from 1999-2010, ending up as the BBMF Bomber Leader.


    He said: “The logo relates to the participation of ZA947 in the 50th Anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. ZA947 flew a couple of sorties to Germany to mark the occasion and the logo was adorned for the commemorations and retained until the aircraft livery was changed to the 267 Sqn ‘Pegasus’ scheme for the 2003 season. I recall seeing the logo many times on a walk-round. The logo on the port side was that for Flt Lt David Lord VC. The Berlin Airlift badge was obviously not carried by the actual 77 Sqn YS-H during its time at Fassberg.”


    Amy - RAF Memorial Flight Club

    Jul 04, 2016