Frequently Asked Questions

You'll find the answers to some of the questions we are often asked about the RAF Memorial Flight Club below. Please do contact us if you can't find the answer to your question - we're happy to help.

Absolutely, anyone can be a member of the RAF Memorial Flight Club. If you live outside the UK, we just have to charge a bit more to cover postage costs.

Learn more about joining the Club

If you live in the UK, it costs £35 to join the Club (£30 for a year's membership, plus a £5 postage charge to cover the delivery of your membership pack).

We’d still love you to join if you’re based in another country; we just have to charge a bit more to cover postage costs. If you’re based in Europe, it costs £40 to join the Club. If you live anywhere else in the world, it costs £55.

See our full list of prices

When you join the RAF Memorial Flight Club, you’ll receive a membership pack and a membership card. You can use this card to claim a free tour of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s aircraft hangar.

You will also receive a regular Club magazine and a monthly email newsletter, giving you the opportunity to see what happens behind the scenes at the BBMF. You will be automatically entered into a monthly members’ ballot to win excusive prizes too.

On top of these benefits, you will be actively supporting the BBMF. Profits raised by the Club are put towards projects that are beyond the scope of the Flight’s MOD funding.

Learn more about the Club

If you live in the UK, you can pay online by card or by direct debit. If you live outside the UK, we’re afraid the direct debit option will not work.

We can’t accept payment by postal order, but if you live in the UK you are very welcome to pay by cheque. To do this, please send the following to our Membership Office (RAF Memorial Flight Club, c/o In2 Publishing Ltd, Unit 2A Oaklands Court, Tiverton Business Park, Tiverton Way, Tiverton, EX16 6TG):
1) A cheque for £35 made payable to In2 Publishing Ltd
2) Your name, email address and postal address

Yes, you can. Please contact us and we can help you purchase the gift by card or cheque.

BBMF is an abbreviated way of describing the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. The RAF BBMF team maintain Spitfires, Hurricanes, a Lancaster and a Dakota and fly the aircraft as a living memorial to the aircrews of World War II.

Find out more about the BBMF

In2 Publishing is the publishing company that produces the Club’s membership packs and magazines. They also look after membership payments for the RAF Memorial Flight Club, so their name may appear on your bank statement.

The RAF Memorial Club uses a system called LoveAdmin to manage our membership payments and to keep your details completely secure. Pay Here Ltd is the legal name of LoveAdmin, so this may appear on your bank statement.

The RAF Memorial Flight Club uses GoCardless to take payment by direct debit, so their name may appear on your bank statement. Likewise, the Club uses Paypal to take card payments.

The RAF Memorial Flight Club is the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s official club. The Lincolnshire’s Lancaster Association (also know as the LLA or the Lincs Lancs Association) is a separate body, but profits from both clubs help to support the BBMF.

For security reasons we are unable to set up a direct debit for you, but you can set one up by logging into your account here. If you need further help with this please email us at and we will email you more detailed instructions.