October 2024 calendar photo

Official Club calendar 2024 – October photo

During 2024 we are presenting the image from the Club calendar in the newsletter for that month, with some details about the picture, including when and where the photo was taken. For October we chose the marvellous picture of the Lancaster nose with reflections, taken by Club member Andrew Harris.

Andrew tells us: “This photo was taken on the 19th August 2021 at IWM Duxford when the BBMF Lancaster (PA474) was coming towards the end of a 10-month stay with the Aircraft Restoration Company for scheduled maintenance work. It was a lovely sunny day and I recall watching the engineers start each of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines in turn before doing full engine runs. It was good to be able to get close and hear the wonderful sound from the Merlin engines.”

“I wanted to capture a close-up of the front of the Lancaster and the light was falling gently across the aircraft so I was able to capture some nice details. The hand-held photo was taken with a Nikon D500 using a 200-500mm f/5.6 lens. I used a manual exposure programme of 1/250s at f/16 with an ISO of 400. I also used Adobe Lightroom Classic for some minor corrective edits.”

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