BBMF Club ballot prizes April - June 2016

Ballot prize winners - April to June 2016

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots. Members have won some special and in some cases truly unique prizes in the last few months. You'll find a full list of the prizes and the lucky winners for April to June 2016 below.

Experience day at the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

April: ‘Experience Day’ with the BBMF at RAF Coningsby, won by Club member Karen Shortland from Surrey. This was a prize that money truly cannot buy. Karen and her three guests were able to get behind the scenes at the BBMF on a weekend flying day, meet the team and get close to the action. 

A member of the RAF Memorial Flight Club won tickets to Flywheel

May: Two-day family ticket to Flywheel at Bicester Heritage, in Oxfordshire, a display of historic aircraft, military machines and competition and classic road cars. Normally costing £110, the Flywheel ticket for two adults and three children was won by Club member Raymond Gower from Buckinghamshire.

Cockpit of Just Jane

June: A 30-minute tour inside Avro Lancaster NX611 ‘Just Jane’ at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirby, usually costing £55, was won by Club member Graham Palmer from Nottinghamshire. Apart from the fantastic opportunity to climb inside a working Lancaster and sit in the different crew positions, the prize also included free entry to the Heritage Centre.

Congratulations to all of our winners; we hope you enjoyed your prizes. There will be more superb ballot prizes in the coming months.

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