RAF Memorial Flight Club ballot prizes July to September 2016

Ballot prize winners - July to September 2016

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots. Members have won some special and in some cases truly unique prizes in the last few months. The full list of the prizes and the lucky winners for July to September 2016 is below.

July: A BBMF black display flying suit, previously owned and worn by OC BBMF Sqn Ldr Andy ‘Milli’ Millikin, who donated it as a prize. The flying suit has Milli’s name and pilot’s ‘wings’ embroidered on it, along with the BBMF badge on the sleeve; it had flown many hours in the Flight’s Spitfires and Hurricanes. This very special prize was won by Steve Heaver from Norfolk, who after he received it, tweeted, “Best parcel I’ve ever received in the post. Thanks to the Official Club.”

Andrew 'Milli" Millikin's flying suit was given away by the RAF Memorial Flight Club

August: Two adult tickets for this year’s Members’ Day at RAF Coningsby on Sunday 2 October 2016, the annual event when the BBMF says thank you to its supporters. These are always special days with tickets available only to members of the Lincolnshire’s Lancaster Association and the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club. When the 500 tickets allocated to the Club were released for sale in July, they sold out within the day. We held back two of the enormously popular tickets as a ballot prize. The winner was Tony Stockman from Suffolk.

The RAF Memorial Flight gave away tickets to LLA day at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire

September: A three-course dinner for two, with a complimentary drink, at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa. The hotel has some wonderful aviation connections and memorabilia, having been the Officers’ Mess for 617 (Dambusters) Squadron when the unit was based at RAF Woodhall Spa from January 1944. It is also frequently used for RAF events including the BBMF’s formal dinners. The winner of this special prize was Sally Goodwin from Derbyshire.

The RAF Memorial Flight Club gave away a dinner at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa

Congratulations to all of our winners; we hope you enjoyed your prizes. There will be more superb ballot prizes in the coming months.

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