BBMF ballot prizes October to December 2016

Ballot prize winners - October to December 2016

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots. Members have won some fabulous and in some cases truly unique prizes in the last few months. The full list of the prizes and the lucky winners for October to December 2016 is below.

October: A pair of officially licensed RAF BBMF t-shirts and the maps used to plan the BBMF’s fly-past over Westminster Abbey on Battle of Britain Sunday 2016, signed by OC BBMF, Sqn Ldr Andy ‘Milli’ Millikin.
Winner: Jeff Duckworth from Lancashire.

BBMF ballot prize from October

November: A limited-edition ‘Hawker Hurricane’ watch by AVI-8, which usually costs £340.
Winner: Keith Clifford from Canada.

BBMF ballot prize from November

December: BBMF VIP Tour for the winner and three guests. A bespoke BBMF presentation from one of the Flight’s ‘Ambassadors’, VIP tour of the BBMF hangar, and photographs with the BBMF aircraft, plus a buffet lunch.
Winner: Christopher Walton from Yorkshire.

BBMF ballot prize from December

Bonus competitions

In addition to the monthly ballot prizes we also ran bonus competitions in November and December with additional prizes going to the first correct answer drawn:

November bonus competition: Five pairs of tickets to see the restoration work in progress on Avro Lancaster B.VII NX611 ‘Just Jane’, as part of its return to airworthy condition, at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirkby. The correct answer to the competition question – what is the wingspan of a Lancaster B.VIII? – was: ‘B’: 102 feet 0 inches.
Winners: Susan Gadsby, Elizabeth Geldart, Michael Speed, Andrew Ware and Martin Welch.

December bonus competition: Copy of the book ‘Flying the Icon: Spitfire’, signed by the author, Jarrod Cotter. The correct answer to the question – how many Spitfires were built in total (excluding Seafires)? – was: ‘C’: 20,400.
Winner: Alan Westrop.

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