BBMF Dakota returns home
Header image: BBMF C-47 Dakota ZA947 on the approach to land at Coningsby. (Photo: Claire Hartley)
As reported in Club members newsletters, BBMF C-47 Dakota ZA947 was at Duxford with the Aircraft Restoration Company from 21st September 2020 for repairs to a number of wing rib cracks. In addition to the work on the wings, a ‘frayed’ port undercarriage cable was also replaced whilst the aircraft was at Duxford.
On a beautiful clear, blue sky day on 12th January 2021, the Dakota was flown back from Duxford to Coningsby by Flight Lieutenant Seb Davey, with navigator Squadron Leader Col Bostrom and Master Aircrew Andy Welham-Jones as the air load master.
As reported in detail in this month’s members’ exclusive email newsletter, the Dakota is now undergoing some scheduled maintenance before returning to the skies. It is expected to be available for flying from the middle of February, to allow the BBMF ‘Bomber’ pilots and crews to regain some much-needed multi-engine tail-wheel currency.