Club 2025 calendar competition – Deadline extended to 5th August

After the success of last year’s photo competition and the superb 2024 Club calendar that resulted, the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club is running a photographic competition for Club members to submit their photos of the BBMF for possible inclusion in the 2025 Club calendar. We have extended the deadline for entries to 5th August 2024.

The winning 13 photos – one for the cover and 12 for the months of the year – will be selected by a panel of judges including the Club’s publication editor, former OC BBMF Clive Rowley and OC BBMF, Squadron Leader Mark ‘Suggs’ Sugden. The winners will see their photos and names featured in the 2025 calendar and they will each receive a free copy of the calendar when it is published. The calendar will also be available to purchase from mid-August. We will email all Club members to let them know when it is on sale. These are the details of the competition:

  • Entry to this competition is limited to members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club.
  • Photos should be of the BBMF aircraft in the air or on the ground, as individual aircraft or formations, or of the BBMF aircrew and engineers at work. They can be archived images or recent photos.
  • Photos should be in landscape format to fit the calendar layout and should be sent to the Club email address at [email protected] as digital jpg files with the highest possible resolution. Photos will not be accepted via social media and photos will not be returned.
  • Images of aircraft in the air with stationary propellers will not be chosen, so use slow shutter speeds to create prop blur.
  • The maximum number of images permitted to be submitted by one member is three.
  • There will be no payment for images and by submitting them Club members are giving their permission for them to be used in the 2025 Club calendar, and also giving permission for their unlimited use for any purpose by the BBMF and Club.
  • All images will be credited to the photographers and remain their copyright.
  • Deadline for entries is 5th August 2024.
  • 13 images will be selected for the final calendar: one for the front cover and 12 to provide one for each month of the year.
  • It may be necessary to crop images slightly to fit the calendar layout/format.
  • The images will be selected by a panel of judges including the Club publications editor (former OC BBMF, Clive Rowley) and OC BBMF. The judges’ decision is final and no discussions will be entered into.
  • Members whose photographs are chosen for the calendar will receive a free copy of the calendar.
  • By entering this competition and submitting images, the Club members are accepting the terms and conditions.

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