Club prizes October to December 2024

Club ballot prizes and winners October to December 2024

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into our monthly prize draws to win some special prizes. Club members have won some wonderful and exclusive prizes over the last three months. These were the ballot prizes for October to December 2024 and the lucky Club members who won them:

October: A special copy of Lisa Harding’s book ‘The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in Photos’

This very special copy of Lisa Harding’s photo book was flown in the BBMF Lancaster on Members’ Day 2024. It was also signed by Lisa, OC BBMF Sqn Ldr Mark ‘Suggs’ Sugden, and Sqn Ldr Paul ‘Ernie’ Wise who captained the Lancaster during its Members’ Day flight.

Lisa’s book, which normally retails at £39.99, contains a collection of more than 150 high-quality images offering a unique perspective on the historic aircraft and hard-working personnel of the BBMF. This special copy included a certificate to authenticate that it flew in the Lancaster on 28th September 2024.

Many thanks to Club member Lisa Harding for donating this prize

Winner: Ryan Chapman from Gloucestershire

November: A limited-edition D-Day Spitfire wooden puzzle

This beautiful classic wooden jigsaw puzzle was made to commemorate D-Day and features a stunning image of a Spitfire over Normandy. The puzzle comes complete with a certificate of authenticity to confirm it is one of only 499 produced and distributed worldwide. It also features some unusually shaped jigsaw pieces, including a 'V for Victory' sign as the final piece. There are 287 pieces to the jigsaw in total.

Many thanks to Club member Robert James Smith for kindly donating this prize.

Winner: David Robson from London

December: A print of the BBMF Lancaster signed by veterans

This very special copy of a print of BBMF Lancaster B1 PA474 is unusual in that it shows both sides of the Lancaster in its current livery. Text at the bottom explains the markings on the Lancaster and this is flanked by the badges of the two wartime squadrons represented. What makes this print extra special is that it is signed by no fewer than 12 Second World War veterans of Bomber Command, most of whom are no longer with us, making this prize completely priceless.

Winner: Russell Green from Lincolnshire

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