Win a copy of ‘Painted Wings’ by Robin Smith

Competition - Win a signed copy of ‘Painted Wings’ by artist Robin Smith

A signed copy of well-known aviation artist Robin Smith’s new book, ‘Painted Wings’, has been donated by him as bonus competition prize this month.

Answer the following question and complete the entry form below by 29 January 2017 to be in with a chance of winning the book. This competition is open to everybody, so please do feel free to share it with your friends and family. The first correct answer drawn will win the prize.

How many aircraft does the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight operate?

A.    Four (1 Lancaster, 1 Spitfire, 1 Hurricane and 1 C-47 Dakota)
B.    Eight (1 Lancaster, 3 Spitfires, 2 Hurricanes, 1 C-47 Dakota and 1 DH Chipmunk)
C.    Ten (1 Lancaster, 4 Spitfires, 2 Hurricanes, 1 C-47 Dakota and 2 DH Chipmunks)
D.    Twelve (1 Lancaster, 6 Spitfires, 2 Hurricanes, 1 C-47 Dakota and 2 DH Chipmunks)

* indicates required

Pages from Robin Smith's new book

About ‘Painted Wings’ 

‘Painted Wings’ contains over 50 of Robin Smith’s favourite aviation paintings with sketches, photos and text explaining his thoughts and ideas for each painting. Apart from supplying the historical background to each picture and the aircraft or the action portrayed, Robin also provides fascinating insights into how he actually achieves the effects with paint on canvas. He explains the composition and how he creates effects such as snow, mist, shadows and rainbows.

Pages from 'Painted Wings'

The Foreword to the book is written by the Official RAF Memorial Flight Club publications editor, former Officer Commanding BBMF, Squadron Leader Clive Rowley (Retired). Robin Smith provides his own introduction, describing his life and how his experiences in all the things he has done – draughtsman, private pilot, firefighter, Royal Navy sailor – have contributed to his art.

If you have perhaps wished that you had more wall space to hang beautiful aircraft paintings like those Robin Smith produces, then you can now have all of his in this book. 

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