June 2024 calendar photo

Official Club calendar 2024 – June photo

During 2024 we are presenting the image from the Club calendar in the newsletter for that month, with some details about the picture, including when and where the photo was taken. This month we feature the ‘behind-the-scenes’ image taken by long-time Club member Karen Shortland, which we used for June.

Karen tells us, "My photo was taken during a BBMF hangar tour on 20th February 2023 using my Samsung A52s mobile phone. I then removed a little bit of light glare using Photoshop Express to try and bring out a bit more of the colour. I joined the RAF Memorial Flight Club in the Summer of 2014, and although I live down south in Surrey, I always try to visit the BBMF hangar for a tour when I am in the area. I enjoy seeing the aircraft with their engine covers removed so that visitors like myself are able to see the 'inner workings' of these beautiful aircraft, while we hear the history and stories about them on a hangar tour, and it's a great photo opportunity too!"

The Club is now running a new competition for members to submit their photos of the BBMF for the 2025 Club calendar, click here for further details. Please note that the deadline for entries is 5th July.

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