Header image: The 2018 BBMF Experience Day prize winner Martin Wright and his guests getting ‘hands on’, helping the BBMF ground crew to push out Hurricane PZ865. (All photos: Clive Rowley)
The RAF Memorial Flight Official Club's ballot prize for March is a fantastic, ‘money cannot buy it’, chance of a lifetime for Club members to win an Experience Day with the BBMF at RAF Coningsby.
The lucky winner will be able to bring up to three guests to RAF Coningsby on Saturday 29th June, one of the planned weekend flying days of the 2019 display season, which is also Armed Forces Day. Weather and aircraft availability permitting, the BBMF’s programme for that day includes the Lancaster, a Hurricane and a Spitfire starting up, taxying out and taking-off to cover various events, before landing away at Southampton. The Dakota, another Spitfire and a further Hurricane are also scheduled to depart individually, returning to Coningsby later in the afternoon. All in all, it is a busy and exciting day in prospect.