Gift Membership - Europe
A Club membership pack makes a great gift.
The gift pack provides detailed information about the BBMF and the history of the Flight’s aircraft, as well as the first year’s membership of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club. See below for a more detailed list of contents.
The lucky recipient can activate their club membership by completing the membership form included in the pack.
Please note: This is for a gift membership for someone else only - if you wish to join the Club yourself, you can join directly here. And if you wish to renew your existing membership, you can do that by clicking here.
Each pack contains: • The latest Club magazine – produced twice a year, the high-quality Club magazines allow members to meet the team, discover what happens behind the scenes at the Flight and learn about some of the history and heritage commemorated by the BBMF. • BBMF Official Guide – full details of the BBMF aircraft and their colour schemes. • Aircraft data sheets – specifications of the Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster and Dakota. • Bonus member gifts – pin badge, wall planner, poster, car sticker and pen. Price includes P&P.