BBMF Chipmunks

BBMF Chipmunks’ 65th birthdays

Sixty-five years ago this month, in January 1952, DH Chipmunk T10s WG486 and WK518 were delivered, brand new, to the Royal Air Force. Just two of the 735 Chipmunks built for military use, these are now the last and only ‘Chippies’ still in RAF service and, far from being ‘pensioned off’, they are still an important and active part of the BBMF historic aircraft fleet.

BBMF ballot prizes October to December 2016

Ballot prize winners - October to December 2016

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots. Members have won some fabulous and in some cases truly unique prizes in the last few months. The full list of the prizes and the lucky winners for October to December 2016 is below.

Win a copy of ‘Painted Wings’ by Robin Smith

Competition - Win a signed copy of ‘Painted Wings’ by artist Robin Smith

A signed copy of well-known aviation artist Robin Smith’s new book, ‘Painted Wings’, has been donated by him as bonus competition prize this month.

Answer the following question and complete the entry form below by 29 January 2017 to be in with a chance of winning the book. This competition is open to everybody, so please do feel free to share it with your friends and family. The first correct answer drawn will win the prize.


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