Win a BBMF Spitfire cockpit experience

Header image: A BBMF Spitfire cockpit is waiting for the lucky winner of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club ballot prize for March. (Photo: Lisa Harding)

This month one lucky member of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club will win a ‘money cannot buy it’ opportunity to sit in the cockpit of a BBMF Spitfire and experience what it is like.

March 1944 – Nuremberg Raid Victoria Cross

Header image: 578 Sqn Handley Page Halifax B.III, LK797 ‘LK-E’, was flown by Plt Off Cyril ‘Cy’ Barton (inset) on the disastrous Nuremberg Raid of 30th/31st March 1944, when he earned the only VC ever awarded to a Halifax aircrew member for a single act of gallantry. (Original artwork: Antonis Karidis)

Eighty years ago this month, on the night of 30th/31st March 1944, RAF Bomber Command suffered its heaviest losses of the entire war on a single raid against the symbolic Nazi rally city of Nuremberg.


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